Tuesday 25 October 2011

the five abstractions

The air smelt of warm salt, it was hot and humid out, 42 degree. There was faint breeze that made it just right to lie on the white sanded beach under the shining sun. Not a cloud in the sky, it was flawless. I lie there gazing at the perfect mixtures of turquoise in the water, watching the wave’s splash onto the beach, endless ocean. It is the only sound to hear, along with the swaying sound of the palm tree leaves in the breeze. I love this place and never want to leave. It is pure relaxation.

I dont know if im supposed to say which abstraction word i used but it was "beauty". The story was supposed to be 100 words, mine is 98. I found this assignment enjoyable because of the abstraction words we were given. I chose beauty because when i think of that word, i think of our ocean front property in Belize, Central American, which is what i described. That being easy to write about and I could go on and on about Belize.

writing process

Over the course of this class so far, I feel I have improved my writing process to an extent. After hearing all the class discussions and what people have to say about poetry and what not, I have gained a better understanding of it all. I have also learned to express myself a bit more than what I used to be comfortable with. Everyone says what they feel in this class, and no one is afraid of people will think. I do admit I care about what other people think about me in what I have to say when it comes to reading personal things in front of the class, but Ive learned to write what I feel and to feel more comfortable reading in front of people. Its still difficult for me to write on the spot and think of ideas to write about, especially poems, or my opinion on authors work, but I feel like I have improved a bit on being able to do that, and I still do get nervous when I have to read aloud, but Im getting more used to it along the way.

the worst poem ever

"the worst poem ever"

once upon a time, there was little puppy, a little golden retriever puppy
she wasnt much of a puppy anymore, but she sure acted like one
she sleeps on the couch and has a variety of babies (toys) laying all around the house
she has a little puppy friend, who is also golden, but a golden lab, they run around
the property all day, sometimes she comes home covered in mud and burs, sometimes
she comes home still clean. she sleeps in the house at night and howls in her sleep
shes friendly with the kitties, but doesnt prefer them. she loves her doggy cookies and treats,
she also loves left over dinners.

this assignment was easy and i enjoyed it because i was able to write whatever i wanted. the story is actually about my puppy. its the worst poem ever because its about a dog, a dogs life. its not very entertaining or exciting. it kind of sounds like a child wrote the story, which i think a child is completely capable of writing this, maybe even doing a better job. it ends awkwardly and says "she" to many times. it was an interesting assignment, because i didnt really try to make it the worst poem ever even though that was the whole point, i think i could of made it worse, but the topic is silly and its a true story.

Sunday 9 October 2011

poem 3


I missed the class for this assignment, but my friend explained it to me. This seemed like it would be something easy to do for once in a poetry and writing class, just taking out the nouns and replacing them with dictionary words. Its interesting how even though you sort of redo a poem with certain different words, it still somehow makes sense. This was a bit time consuming searching through a dictionary for all the replacement words, and not all the nouns that needed replacing were in the dictionary. I just found this random poem online, I have no favorite poet or author or anything, I couldnt even name someone off the top of my head. This poem is called Silver, by Walter de la Mare

Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in silver feathered sleep
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.

Edited Version
Slowly, silently, now the moot point
Walks the nightlife in her simpleton shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Simpleton frustrate upon simpleton trenches;
One by one the caskets catch
Her beastly beneath the silvery theme;
Couched in his kettle, like a logistic,
With payroll of simpleton slender the dogsbody;
From their shadowy cote the white breeches peep
Of downcasts in simpleton feathered slender
A hast movement goes scampering by,
With simpleton cleavage, and simpleton
And moveless fist in the waterline gleam,
By simpleton referee in a simpleton stress.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

poem 2

For our second exercise, we were to write a "6 end words, 7 stanza poem" using the words
1. coffee crumb balcony miracle sun river
2. river coffee sun crumb miracle balcony
3. balcony river miracle coffee crumb sun
4. sun balcony crumb river coffee miracle
5. miracle sun coffee balcony river crumb
6. crumb miracle river sun balcony coffee
7. evnoi - crumb/coffee

Hot steam rolled off my coffee
as I ate my muffin, the tiny crumbs
fell onto the table top as I sat outside on the balcony
Today I felt like a miracle
was going to happy, as the sun
shone on my face, I thought about going to the river

When I arrived at the river
the woods smelt like musky old black coffee
It was warm and the sun
was still shining bright.

This is unfortunatly as far as i could get on this poem..
When we were first shown the example in class, it looked like something fun to do and something that wouldn't be very difficult. As i started to work on it, it was a lot more harder than i thought. It could be easier if i didn't care if it didn't make sense, but that bothers me to much and i get the feeling like I should try harder to make it sound better, but after several days of trying add more onto this poem, it just wasn't happening.