Tuesday 25 October 2011

writing process

Over the course of this class so far, I feel I have improved my writing process to an extent. After hearing all the class discussions and what people have to say about poetry and what not, I have gained a better understanding of it all. I have also learned to express myself a bit more than what I used to be comfortable with. Everyone says what they feel in this class, and no one is afraid of people will think. I do admit I care about what other people think about me in what I have to say when it comes to reading personal things in front of the class, but Ive learned to write what I feel and to feel more comfortable reading in front of people. Its still difficult for me to write on the spot and think of ideas to write about, especially poems, or my opinion on authors work, but I feel like I have improved a bit on being able to do that, and I still do get nervous when I have to read aloud, but Im getting more used to it along the way.

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