Tuesday 25 October 2011

the five abstractions

The air smelt of warm salt, it was hot and humid out, 42 degree. There was faint breeze that made it just right to lie on the white sanded beach under the shining sun. Not a cloud in the sky, it was flawless. I lie there gazing at the perfect mixtures of turquoise in the water, watching the wave’s splash onto the beach, endless ocean. It is the only sound to hear, along with the swaying sound of the palm tree leaves in the breeze. I love this place and never want to leave. It is pure relaxation.

I dont know if im supposed to say which abstraction word i used but it was "beauty". The story was supposed to be 100 words, mine is 98. I found this assignment enjoyable because of the abstraction words we were given. I chose beauty because when i think of that word, i think of our ocean front property in Belize, Central American, which is what i described. That being easy to write about and I could go on and on about Belize.

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