Tuesday 25 October 2011

the worst poem ever

"the worst poem ever"

once upon a time, there was little puppy, a little golden retriever puppy
she wasnt much of a puppy anymore, but she sure acted like one
she sleeps on the couch and has a variety of babies (toys) laying all around the house
she has a little puppy friend, who is also golden, but a golden lab, they run around
the property all day, sometimes she comes home covered in mud and burs, sometimes
she comes home still clean. she sleeps in the house at night and howls in her sleep
shes friendly with the kitties, but doesnt prefer them. she loves her doggy cookies and treats,
she also loves left over dinners.

this assignment was easy and i enjoyed it because i was able to write whatever i wanted. the story is actually about my puppy. its the worst poem ever because its about a dog, a dogs life. its not very entertaining or exciting. it kind of sounds like a child wrote the story, which i think a child is completely capable of writing this, maybe even doing a better job. it ends awkwardly and says "she" to many times. it was an interesting assignment, because i didnt really try to make it the worst poem ever even though that was the whole point, i think i could of made it worse, but the topic is silly and its a true story.

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