Tuesday 4 October 2011

poem 2

For our second exercise, we were to write a "6 end words, 7 stanza poem" using the words
1. coffee crumb balcony miracle sun river
2. river coffee sun crumb miracle balcony
3. balcony river miracle coffee crumb sun
4. sun balcony crumb river coffee miracle
5. miracle sun coffee balcony river crumb
6. crumb miracle river sun balcony coffee
7. evnoi - crumb/coffee

Hot steam rolled off my coffee
as I ate my muffin, the tiny crumbs
fell onto the table top as I sat outside on the balcony
Today I felt like a miracle
was going to happy, as the sun
shone on my face, I thought about going to the river

When I arrived at the river
the woods smelt like musky old black coffee
It was warm and the sun
was still shining bright.

This is unfortunatly as far as i could get on this poem..
When we were first shown the example in class, it looked like something fun to do and something that wouldn't be very difficult. As i started to work on it, it was a lot more harder than i thought. It could be easier if i didn't care if it didn't make sense, but that bothers me to much and i get the feeling like I should try harder to make it sound better, but after several days of trying add more onto this poem, it just wasn't happening.

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