Thursday 24 November 2011

post 11, the last.

since im in need of another something for my chapbook, im going to try my hardest to write something of my own. i cant sit here and try to think of something to write, and as it may be odd to say, i dont have problems in my life at the moment that i can write about, or nothing thats on my mind thats worthy of writing about. im just going to go off the top of my head, sitting here in my room drinking tea, while its snowing outside. this wasnt meant to sound corny or some sappy "love" poem, or whatever is it. it wasnt meant to be a poem either. im not sure what it is, i just wrote, and it actually took me quite a bit to try and put something together. im not sure how good it is, or if its even considered "readable" but i tried.

the feeling with you is pure comfort
i feel safety, and connection, i feel myself
the adoration and affection is strong
the trust is secured
the emotion is enduring
these days are infinite

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