Wednesday 23 November 2011

scene/sound experiment

4:50am my alarm goes off for work, before i turn over to grab my phone, im hoping its only text and its actually only 1am, which gives me another 4 hours to sleep. i debate on getting up now or hitting the "9" minute snooze option Iphone gives you. if i get up now, ill have time to stop at tim hortons for a half english toffee, half coffee double double. as usual though i think an extra 9 minutes will help my tiredness, and i press snooze. i completely fall back asleep again. 5am when it goes off again, it feels as if i went back to sleep for another half hour, and im also twice as tired as i was 9 minutes ago. i whine to myself, and want to shed a tear as i wish i could go back to sleep. its so warm and cozy under my duvet. first thing i do is check the weather, to see how cold my vehicle is going to be when im forced to go outside and drive to work at 5:20am. i check my facebook, knowing not much will have happened since i last checked at 10pm the night before, anything to stay in bed longer. finally, its time to pull myself out of bed.

this experiment was quite easily actually. my routine for work is the exact same every morning i work. i liked it because it was easy to write about. so many thoughts come to me in the morning and so much to say about how much i hate getting up that early, i could of went on and on about my work mornings. it was kind of like writing a short story about myself and what i experience. it was alot different when i read it aloud. it wasnt nearly as descriptive, nor was it as long. by writing it out, it gave me more time to think about what i was going to say, and i was trying to make it longer so i was able to keep adding on once more thoughts came to me. reading it out loud was just basic, and i thought of the most important things, like im tired and want to go back to sleep, and without pausing for periods of time, i wasnt able to think of my thoughts in detail.

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